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Covid Safe Logo

COVID Safety Plan

COVID Situational Update

Updated: 1st January 2024

This Situational Update forms a part of the overall Our Snowy – COVID Safety Plan.

Our Snowy’s priority is the health and safety of our guests, destination partners, and the people around us.

This section outlines any specific NSW Government COVID restrictions and announcements. As of this update there are no NSW Government mandated restrictions for our operations.

We do provide the following general information for our guests:-

1.      Our Snowy staff:

a.      are fully double-dose COVID-19 vaccinated.

2.      Our Snowy offer an exclusive day charter and tour services for single group bookings only with a maximum total of four (4)                             participants (“guests”), i.e. one group – one charter.

a.      At time of booking, the group organiser will be requested to provide their name, mobile phone number and email.

b.      In the case of a tour, names of group participants will also be required.

3.      It is the responsibility of the group organiser to be aware of any NSW Government Public Health Order travel restrictions and updates  with regards to themselves and their group participants.

a.      We strongly encourage the group organiser to advise Our Snowy, as soon as possible, of any need to cancel or reschedule a booking. Any cancellation or rescheduling is subject to Our Snowy terms and conditions available on our website.

4.      Hand sanitiser bottles are available and easily accessible to guests within the vehicle.

Our Snowy - COVID Safety Plan

The Situational Update forms a part of the overall Our Snowy – COVID Safety Plan.

Reduced restriction levels mean that COVID-19 remains a risk. To continue to stay safe, the following protocols apply in accordance with the NSW Government Guidelines for taxis, hire cars and ride share services. A copy of this COVID-19 Safety Plan is held at the business premises, on the Our Snowy website and within the charter vehicle.

Wellbeing of Drivers and Passengers

Our Snowy ensure adherence to the following:

  • Exclude staff, passengers, suppliers and visitors who are unwell or exhibiting any cold or flu-like symptoms.
  • Provide staff with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing, wearing masks and                           cleaning.
  • Make staff aware of their leave entitlements if they are sick or required to self-isolate, including the Australian Government’s                              Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment.
  • Display conditions of entry in the following locations: website, social media, inside vehicle and office.

Physical Distancing

Our Snowy ensure adherence to the following:

  • Where practical, staff encourage passengers to sit separate and have the windows open to promote air flow.
  • Avoid close contact with passengers and ask passengers to handle their own personal belongings during pick-up, drop-off and ride.
  • Avoid using the vehicle's recirculated air option during passenger transport. Where possible use the vehicle’s vents to bring in fresh air from outside and lower the windows.
  • Encourage staff to maintain 1.5 metres physical distancing from one another where possible during any breaks or waiting periods, such as at destinations or changeover periods.

Hygiene and Cleaning

Our Snowy have introduced the following measures:

  • Adopt good hand hygiene practices and avoid contact with surfaces often touched by passengers or other drivers such as door handles and frames and seatbelt buckles.
  • Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces several times per day with a detergent or disinfectant solution or wipe.
  • Staff should wash hands with soap and water before and after cleaning.
  • If a customer sneezes, coughs or vomits, surfaces should be cleaned with an appropriate detergent solution or disinfectant wipes.
  • Employ extra cleaning practices at the end of each shift, as part of good hygiene practice, including where practical the sanitisation of seats, door handles and window controls, seatbelts and buckles and payment equipment.
  • Whether detergent solution or disinfectant wipes are used, the surface must remain wet for 60 seconds then left to dry to ensure the virus is killed. Use a new wipe for each surface.

Record Keeping

Our Snowy ensure adherence to the following:

  • Ensure QR codes for record keeping purposes are displayed where they are clearly visible to passengers and verbally prompt passengers to check in when they enter the vehicle or office.
  • Employers should make all staff aware of the COVID Safe app and the benefits of the app to further support contact tracing if required

NSW Government Updates

This COVID Safety Plan must be read together with the Situational Update above.

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